Getting out of a slump
Source: Pinterest
Essentially, you’re stuck.
You’ve hit your mid twenties or early thirties.
And now you’re not sure what you want to do in you life anymore.
You don’t know how or what to do, to get you out of this funk…
This is how I’ve been feeling over the past two months.
I had been presented with two different paths to take.
One much more stable, secure and known.
The other - adventurous, stressful and unknown.
Guess which one I’ve actually decided to take?
The adventurous one of course!
I even wrote out a pros and cons list for both, to help me make the decision.
My brain wanted the stable and secure one, but my heart wanted the unknown.
In the end I realised it doesn’t matter which path you take, you just have to decide and run with it!
The grass really is greener where you water it.
So you can’t ever make a ‘wrong’ decision. Because you’ll either learn if you liked the decision or not. Then from there you can choose differently with this new information you didn’t have before.
My advice is trust your intuition.
Feel into what you actually want. Not what other people around you want.
Write it out.
Write out all your heart desires, big and small.
Then take action!
Write out a plan on how you are going to achieve these heart desires of yours.
Try new things over and over, meet new people. Get out of your house, get out of your comfort zone. Move your body. If you find your aren’t necessarily good at something - it’s OKAY! At least you tried, and learnt something new.
This is how you grow, and find out what you actually like to do with your time.
Now - what are you waiting for?
Lots of Love,
Rachelle xx