Interviewing the gorgeous Alyssa: on ostomy
Source: Alyssa’s Instagram
Alyssa, what exactly is ostomy?
An ostomy is a part of your bowel (varies for everyone what part), that is stitched to your abdomen, and diverts your digestive system. A removable bag is then used to collect waste. Someone can get one for many reasons, but I had to have one due to a disease called ulcerative colitis. It usually can be managed by medication, but unfortunately my disease was too severe.
How old were you when you were diagnosed?
I was 12 years old when I was diagnosed.
What is your favourite thing about Adelaide?
My favourite thing is how we have everything so close to one another. Gorgeous beaches, the city, hills and country side.
Favourite restaurant in Adelaide?
The little rickshaw at Aldinga.
Five items you can’t live without?
- A good pillow
- Coffee
- The deliKate moisturiser
- My car
- A good water bottle
Source: Djerf Avenue website - model wearing ostomy bag
What is one thing you wish people knew about ostomy?
Probably that it is more common than you think!
Can I ask, what is it like living with an ostomy bag?
It’s honestly doesn’t effect my life much at all, just have to avoid some foods, and takes a little longer to get ready!
Advice to your 18 year old self?
Have more confidence in yourself.
Your favourite quote of all time?
It’s the little things in life that can bring you the most joy.
Thank you Alyssa for allowing me to ask you these personal questions about your wonderful life! You can find Alyssa on instagram @alyssaabateman <3