The future of fashion designers

Source: Pinterest

These days anyone can create a clothing brand, whether you’ve completed a fashion degree or not. Multiple influencers in Australia, have recently been creating their own clothing brand.

Hundreds of people study a fashion degree (including myself) for three years or more. Learning the ins and outs of how different garments are made, from using different fabrics, pattern making, cutting, sewing and altering. Trying to break into the fashion industry, for then influencers to swiftly come in, and create a clothing brand without having a fashion degree. It’s a little ludicrous, don’t you think? A bit like jumping the queue.

Or are they actually working smarter, not harder? By bypassing a fashion degree, to hire individual people in each fashion field. Allowing them to create a clothing brand.

The world is forever changing, and so is the fashion industry. The market is becoming more saturated, than what it previously was already ten years ago. I’m sure the fashion-influencer clothing brand trend will slow down over the coming years. Who really knows though? Who will be the future fashion designers of the world, and if having a degree in fashion will mean anything?


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