Being sober.

Source: Pinterest

Being sober.

I’ve been wanting to stop drinking for over a year now, but I didn’t have the guts to do so. In February I finally made the decision to do it.

I felt liberated and empowered. But also scared.

Scared of what others would think.

Scared if I would be pressured into having “just one” which then lead to more.

And scared if I could keep this promise to myself.

January I had a couple of events

  • NYES in rapid bay

  • A 21st

  • A going away party

  • And a trip to Melbourne for the Australian open

I felt like I was just drinking for the sake of drinking. For the sake of being at a social event. I hated the idea that I felt like I “had” to drink just because I was out in public.

From February onwards I knew I had to put my foot down and trust my intuition and just be GOD. DAMN. SOBER.

In the first week of February I was invited to a house warming/birthday party. I drove to the party and was planning on being sober. I caved from my internal built up pressure and had one drink. The funny thing I actually learnt at that party was that no one actually cares if you drink or not. (Unless you don’t have nice friends, then get some new ones)

The following weekend I had two birthdays at the same place with the same people for a beer tour (I won’t go into details) but I STAYED SOBER THE WHOLE DAY. I was proud of myself and I felt good.

Waking up the next day feeling fresh, not groggy and foggy felt amazing.

This feeling continued throughout February which brings me to March. I was going really well and it felt easier as each week and weekend went by without drinking.

But I recently had a date night with my significant other at a Mexican place on a nice warm summer night (actually it’s autumn but it felt like summer). I was craving a frozen watermelon margarita. So I ordered one.

I was giving myself a “hall pass”. Not going to lie it tasted pretty good but afterwards I just wasn’t feeling that great.

A reason why I wanted to go sober was that I hated the feeling alcohol gave me in my head. I hate not feeling clear.

Anyway I’ve realised I’m on my own journey with swinging between being sober and not. And I’m okay with that. Maybe I might find a happy medium, and maybe only have a drink once or twice a month. Instead of every weekend or social event that I attend.

I’ve also realised that I actually CAN go to social outings and NOT drink and feel so great about it and still have an amazing time.

It’s really all a mind set!

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my short journey on this so far. I’m not perfect. No one is. But if u feel called to be sober. Do it. It may be uncomfortable at first, but once you break that barrier of thinking it actually is acceptable to not drink at a social event. You will feel liberated like you can do anything.


Feeling worthy & enough.