Feeling worthy & enough.

Source: Pinterest

Feeling worthy and enough.

Feeling worthy and enough comes from within. No one can make you feel these feelings but yourself.

It’s just like feeling happy. Yes, you can be in situations that make you happy but what happens after those situations are over? Do you still feel happy?

Being whole in yourself can only be made up of you, no one else. Not your significant other.

But how do you feel whole, worthy, happy and enough?

  • You take time for yourself (schedule in self-care days in your calendar)

  • Discover who you are by yourself without external noise

  • Consume things that make you feel like a better person from it

  • Reflect and write a list of things that make you feel happy and content

  • Do the things that make you feel happy and content

Examples could be mindlessly sitting out in the sunshine and reading a book, making your favourite cake, painting, walking outside in nature, talking yourself out on a breakfast date, painting your own nails, having a relaxing bath, watching a feel good movie. The list is honestly endless. Find what works for you and what truely lights your soul on fire.

You get to decide if you’re happy, worthy, whole and enough. You can decide today or tomorrow. It’s your choice.

We all have our not so good days and it’s okay to not feel happy, worthy, whole and enough 24 hours, 7 days a week. These days allow you to appreciate when really great, amazing and beautiful days come by. You’re only human after all. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

The goal is to enjoy the journey, as well as the destination.


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